
Pleasure to meet you (I said to myself this morning)

I don't know how long you have known me, but I've known myself for quite a long time, well, I've known the OLD me for a long time. I've just recently met the NEW me, and let me tell you, I really like her! I think I may actually be in love with her (shhhh, don't tell my husband).
It's been a long time (if there ever was a time), since I've felt this way about myself. It feels  fabulous! If you did know me before, you'll know that I've dealt with a lot of sh*t in my life (especially in the last 7 years) a lot of ups and a lot of downs that could bring a lot of people down, I mean really really down....
I've been battling depression, post-partum, and anxiety, I've quit smoking (after 16 years), started working out, and started school, I've had 2 kids, gotten married, I've lost my dad and lost my last grandpa and been estranged from family, I've moved 4 times in 5 years (4 cities, 2 provinces and 2 different countries), I've sold it all and had to buy it all back, I've lost and gained friends (and weight), I've been utterly lost and seen the light, I've cried myself to sleep and stayed awake all night staring at my kids, I've been away from my husband for 3 months straight, I've gone through this and more, much more ..... but so what right, who hasn't?
The point of all of this is that I've gotten through it, and not only gotten through it, but am here, better then ever and ready to take my life and kick this world right side up again! Now-a-days I wake up happy (imagine that!) and at a decent time! I'm ready to greet the day, sweat and work out. I laugh with my kids and husband a LOT more, and have energy to play with them. I am conscious of what goes in my body regarding food and supplements and I don't get sick as often, (and when I do I can read my body telling me when it's coming and I kick that sicknesses ass)! My moods are more upbeat, and my body is way more fit and toned. My face has cleared up, my sleep is super restful, and I'm actually accomplishing more and more everyday! My confidence has grown, and damn it, I'VE GROWN! There was a time that I would joke that I felt too immature to have a husband and kids. Now I feel grown up, mature and responsible, but maybe still too young! (haha, young at heart!)
I started this blog in September with the hope of transforming myself into a person that my kids would be proud of, into someone that my husband and family would be proud of, but especially into someone I would be happy to see in the mirror every morning.
I think I've done it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not done done, I'm still working more, I'm still eating to live and working out with bodyrock, I'm still trying my damnedest every day to be patient and calm... but boy oh boy am I happy to be here where I am.
And on this journey I have met so many other people who are on the same journey. They inspire me to keep going, to not care what the masses say about food or diet, to keep getting up and working harder. I read an Amazing blog this morning that jump started me again, here is a bit of what Jennifer said....

My body is my temple. This is the only body I have and I am going to treat it the best that I know how and hope it does the same to me. I do wish to grow old AND healthy AND strong. If my life gets busy, the other “stuff” still comes second to me. I come first. My health comes first. I am proud of myself every single day after I finish my workout. I am proud of myself each and every time I choose to only consume healthy choices. I am proud of myself for bypassing the sugary, fried, cheesy, processed, fast… anything… for not even being tempted because I know that what I put into my body is its fuel and I only wish to fuel my body with premium nutrition.
Now, you might be thinking that I should get off my high horse and quite tooting my own horn. But I’m not going to, because it is difficult to make those choices, to change your life, to eat differently than most people, to push yourself beyond what you think you are capable of, to have the self-discipline … it isn’t easy… and I am proud of myself every time… every time. 

I LOVE THIS (Please find Jennifer's blog here) and will keep up with Jennifer as well as all the other amazing blogs out there!

I want to thank you all who are reading my blog, and I want to thank all of the blogs out there that I read every day, such Great inspiration and motivation! I really truly can't wait for 2011! What a stellar year it's going to be!


1 comment:

shortz said...

i AM proud of u.