
Detox Day #2

I haven't written much about the detox because it seems as though I've just been busy... busy with what? well, actually just catching up with all the loose ends I call life....
So as you may know, after my 'mercury freak out', I decided to go on a detox to clean out any toxins hiding in my body and just generally get it ready for spring. I did a lot (A LOT) of research on detoxing the different body organs, the herbs involved and the order in which it should be done, and when it all came down to it, I really wanted to do the Master Cleanse again (otherwise known as the Lemonade Diet). A few reasons I choose this cleanse is that the ingredients in the Master Cleanse are simple and pure and really do a great job of helping to clean out organs like the liver, kidney and colon, skin and the circulatory system. Another big reason I choose this cleanse again is because of what it does to me personally on a mental level. When I'm on this, I really go somewhere pretty deep with food particularly with it's hold on me. It may sounds weird, but it's true. Along the journey of just drinking lemonade (and herbal teas and water, plus this time around we've added a nice shot of Vita Green for many health and detoxing benefits), anyways, somewhere along the way, my brain switches and I become aware of what I was eating, and more importantly how I was eating. After doing this cleanse, I feel like I have more control over food and it's hold on me. I feel a lot better (inside and out) I eat when I'm genuinely hungry, and I stop eating before I'm full. I end up eating much smaller portions (we've actually switched to smaller dinner plates). I love the feeling of coming off this detox and walking past food knowing that I don't want or need it. So now you know the what and why. here's the rest of the info...

Let me explain how I started, so you know how I got to today..
Day 1 and 2 were partial detox days. I started my morning off with the usual smoothie (a cup of mixed berries; black, blue, raspberry, protein powder, green super food powder, flax, orange juice, and a banana).  Then later had my green tea with Cinnamon and turmeric. For Lunch I drank a few cups of the lemonade drink. In the afternoon I had some Rooibos tea and for dinner I had a light salad with walnuts, cranberries, and balsamic vinegar. (on day 2 I had some creamed carrot and sweet potato soup with coconut milk)

so here we go, full detox day #2
I woke up today with a smile on my face knowing that I was going to the sauna again. Ah, it's so nice especially considering that we got hit with another wicked snow storm! WinterPeg, the land of wind and snow....The far infa-red sauna was tremendous, and I booked myself in for 2 times a week for the next 3 weeks! There are so many benefits of doing this type of sauna (especially if you are detoxing). The most recognised benefit is the fact that the rays penetrate the tissues inside your body and help to release the toxins that way. When you add a cleansing detox, body brushing, salt bath soaks, stretching, meditating and yoga, you're detox can really do wonders for you!
I know that there are a ton of websites out there explaining the Master Cleanse, so I'm not going to do that here, but I am going to give up the recipe here(and show you what the ingredients do)...

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