
Mercury in my body...

The title may scare you, and that's Okay...

I've known for a long time that Mercury is dangerous. I've always vowed that my kids wouldn't get any silver fillings, and a while back I promised myself that I would get mine taken out. Well, in early January I finally got them out. It worked out nicely I thought, because one of my old fillings needed to be replaced, and it was one of two silver fillings. The second was right beside it so they agreed to take them both out and replace them. Easy as Pie.....

Well, not really.... There was a bunch of stuff that went wrong, stuff that erkked me and it just turned out to be a nasty day (and continued on to be a stressful month).... let me explain....

First off, the dentist didn't use any type of rubber damn (which is the least he should have done), and the assistant didn't do anything of the sorts for helping me out with water or an air hose (except for stream water down my throat while watching the tv on the ceiling), I did my absolute best about breathing (or not breathing) as I could, but it was really hard.
2ndly, after one filling the dentist started cleaning up and getting ready to go, in my 1/2 frozen-ness I mentioned that there were 2 that needed to be done so somewhat reluctantly he came back to finish (but not very well, one tooth still feels like sand paper, and that's still after I went back once already to have it redone)... anyways... So he finishes up (quite quickly) and I'm off. . . .
About 3 days later the headaches started. They were  straight off brutally intense. Behind my eyes, both temples, along my jawline and into the back of my neck. My first thought was mercury.... So, I did what I do at times, FREAK OUT!!!!
Thank Gawd for my Bach Flower Remedies, otherwise I think I would have gone mad! I started doing research on how to detox the mercury out of my body (researching Mercury poisoning in general would have surely sent me over the edge) Mercury scares me, and I could not think of anything positive (even my hubby was worried a bit). But after a few weeks (yes I waited a long time) and after talking with my naturalpathic doctor my best friend and my massage therapist, we all decided that the intense headaches had to do with my jaw alignment.
*Great big Sigh of Relief*
But... there was still concern for an excess of Mercury in my body. I went to our regular walk-in clinic (there is a huge shortage of doctors in this town, so we actually don't even have one, thank goodness for our Naturalpath), and he signed me up for a Mercury blood test (but not before he went to check that there was such a thing ~ you'd think we lived in some small hick town). There's only one problem with the blood test, the fact that I waited over 2 weeks to do it, so any Mercury in my blood was now surely trapped in my cells and wouldn't show up in the test.
What now?
My naturalpathic doctor gave me the good ol' Mercury pee test. It's pretty intense (you take some special pills (DMSA) on an empty stomach and they draw out the Mercury from your body. Then you basically get to collect all your pee for 6 hours and then send in a sample) I brought it home and after looking at the instructions, and reading on-line about it a while, I've decided against it (for now). I'm mainly concerned about a false positive happening (see, if these pills draw out a ton of Mercury from your body, then of course it will come back saying that you have high levels of Mercury, I know I have it, so that's not the issue, the issue is getting it out and getting it out safely)...
Back to my detoxing research, but first I want to mention 2 things here. One is that besides being a Nutritionist, one thing I really want to study and specialize in is detoxing (so the research that I was doing all along here was really a win win situation for me, and it really was a lot of fun), and 2ndly, during all this time of researching I received my detoxing course in the mail through the therapy network in the UK. Coincidence (I never think so!)
So, I had all these things figured out, my notes were pretty extensive, and I was really excited to start a cleansing of my body and all of it's toxins!
All in all the last month and a half have been interesting. I've learned A Lot, and feel calmer (about my own situation) and more confident in my detox specialization!

Do you detox? What type and why?

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