
Detox Day 4

I woke up yesterday with the taste of salt in my mouth. Yuk. It's like my body was waiting for it, wanting it... I didn't want to give in. But I did, and while waiting I did a little workout. Not a big one, I'm going slow (don't want to use all my energy on working out, my body needs it for detoxing). Everyday I will do a little more, and go a little more intense, until the day I'm off the detox and I'm kicking Zuzanna's ass (yah right!)
I think I will stay in my office all day today. Chris made the boys some gluten free pancakes with banana's and peanut butter and it just smelled SO good, I'm not sure if I can stay strong walking by the kitchen. Damn food! ha, but slowly I am winning the war in my mind!!!!
What a waste the salt flush was... it didn't work. I felt bloated and grumpy and horrible for most of the day! But after having a short nap I got back up and actually finished off my business course! (so fantastic!!) It felt so great. Chris took the boys for dinner to the inlaws, and I had some beautiful quiet time. Doesn't happen often so I take it when I can!

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